ESP Services
JLX International ESP Team is well known to our current clients, delivering high quality equipment with perfect quality and service for every detail of the Electrical Submersible Pump.ESP team has a huge experience in all kinds of ESPs, main components, ESP manufacturing, design, installation, troubleshooting, DIFA.
JLX International in addition to the Baker Hughes partnership has a long standing with the ESP providers in Asia that can provide special any ESP equipment required for our clients needs.
Drilling Rig Services
JLX International is a lean organization with its drilling division focused on the Middle East and North Africa, striving to provide efficient, cost-effective land drilling services in both challenging and remote locations. JLX International is dedicated to on-time spudding of contracts and minimizing downtime, while still maintaining a strong focus on safety, the environment, and local stakeholders.
The driving forces behind JLX’s success in achieving top drilling performances are the experience in its project management with the pride of its skilled employees, the delivery under the stand alone and integrated service model enable the company to provide safe and efficient drilling services at a competitive rate.
CWI Services
JLX Internationals CWI team specializes in providing tailored completion solutions that precisely meet the specific requirements of our clients.
We understand that the journey to optimal production performance starts with an exceptional completion process, spanning from the reservoir to the production facility. With our extensive expertise and unwavering dedication to delivering exceptional results, we ensure that every aspect of the completion process is meticulously optimized.
Workover Services
JLX International offers onshore integrated workover services to local and international oil and gas companies predominantly in Middle East and Africa regions. The company has a wealth of experience when it comes to workover services, most recently in North Iraq, where it has conducted workover operations for the past 12 years with all big and renowned customers.
As demand for workover operations is closely related to that of the oil and gas prices, we understands the need for efficient and effective workover programmes. All workover services conducted by us are done so by an experienced workforce, that hold both the technical knowledge and dedication to get the job done safely and efficiently.